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Systematic Reviews: The What, Why and How

Systematic reviews are a form of structured research that requires a comprehensive collection, appraisal, and summary of all research on a topic. Systematic reviews are high-impact publications that carry weight to inform evidence-based decision making. After attending this session, you will be able to describe:

  1. The definition, history and value of systematic reviews
  2. An overview of the steps and processes of conducting a systematic review
  3. Some systematic review quality indicators

Audience: Undergraduate students, graduate students, researchers, and faculty

Related LibGuide: Evidence Synthesis Service by Evidence Synthesis

Thursday, February 13, 2025
3:00pm - 4:00pm
Time Zone:
Central Time - US & Canada (change)
Anna Liss Jacobsen, Bioengineering and Engineering Medical Innovation Librarian
Grainger Commons, Rooms 233/235 (Map )
  All are welcome  
  Evidence Synthesis  
Registration has closed.

THIS SESSION WILL BE TAUGHT IN-PERSON (Grainger Engineering Library Information Center, Grainger Commons, Rooms 233/235)

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Savvy Researcher
Savvy Researcher