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Connecting Your Research Question to the Databases: Understand How Knowledge Organization Can Affect Search Strategy Design

Pre-requisite:  Attendees should have a basic understanding of Boolean Searching (AND, OR, NOT)

This intensive session is designed for those interested in systematically advancing their database search skills, especially in social sciences areas. It will present you with a big picture related to database searching:

  1. An introduction to human knowledge organization system and their connection to search process
  2. Introduce research question frameworks that help you translate your research question into search terms
  3. Guidance on incorporating controlled vocabulary (Thesaurus) into searches, especially for evidence synthesis projects

Tools and template examples will be provided to increase your efficiency and get a quick start on the journey to becoming a database search expert.

Audience: Undergraduate students, graduate students, researchers, and faculty

Related LibGuide: Evidence Synthesis Service by Evidence Synthesis

Tuesday, February 25, 2025
3:00pm - 4:00pm
Time Zone:
Central Time - US & Canada (change)
Yali Feng, Behavioral Sciences Research Librarian
Grainger Commons, Rooms 233/235 (Map )
  All are welcome  
  Evidence Synthesis  
Registration has closed.

THIS SESSION WILL BE TAUGHT IN-PERSON (Grainger Engineering Library Information Center, Grainger Commons, Rooms 233/235)

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Profile photo of Savvy Researcher
Savvy Researcher