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Space Availability - International and Area Studies

International & Area Studies Library

Room Policy for 309

Library Room 309 is a library instruction and collaboration space that has 1 public computer and 1 screen monitor for use with laptops.  In addition, there is wireless access available. Guidelines for using the monitor screen are taped to the cart, included in a pouch that holds the remote and adapters, and is available at the IAS service desk.

Primary use of space:

The first priority of usage is IAS Subject Specialist-led or co-led instruction. Instructors and student groups may also reserve the space for seminars, collaborative work, and other activities that fall within the IAS Library’s mission. 

  • Room 309 is NOT intended to replace a campus assigned classroom nor to hold committee meetings.  Courses and groups that wish to use the room on a regular basis cannot anticipate using the room sequentially.
  • Priority usage is for IAS related groups and classes.
  • If not scheduled for instruction, Room 309 is open for general use. If not scheduled for instruction, meetings and activities may be booked no earlier than ten days prior.

Room 309 may be reserved during the open hours of IAS. If an IAS librarian needs the room for instruction, the scheduled time may be suspended and rescheduled for that session. 

Reserving the space:

  • You can make a reservation request at   Please allow 3 business days for a response. Wait for a confirmation before publicizing the activity.
  • Requests should be made by TBA
  • Reservations may be requested no earlier than ten days prior to the actual meeting time to allow for accommodation of instruction requests.

Using the room:

  • The remote and adapters are in a pouch that is available at the IAS Service Desk and may be checked out there prior to a scheduled class. You will need your i-card to check out the pouch. The pouch is available for checkout the hours that the IAS Library is open.
  • Drinks in spill proof containers are allowed.
  • No food is allowed.
  • If Room 309 is not being used by University of Illinois faculty or staff, the door remains open.

When your group is finished:

  • Make sure the monitor is turned off.
  • Close any open applications on the public computer.
  • Push in chairs.
  • Pick up stray papers and other materials.
  • Return the pouch to the IAS Service Desk.


Should a drink be spilled in Room 309, please adhere to the following procedure: 

The responsible party should contact (by telephone or in person) the staff in 230 Main Library as well as staff at the IAS Service Desk, do not submit an OTRS ticket for Facilities.

The telephone numbers for the Office of Library Facilities:

Facility Emergency (Day 8am-5pm, M-F): Library Facilities: 217-333-0317

Facility Emergency (Night and Weekend): Facilities & Services 217-333-1216 (non-emergency Police Dispatch)

Library IT:

Library IT maintains a page listing the current hardware and software configuration:

   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding